In their younger years, Capricorn women are known to have a tricky time with love, and even as a youth, she’ll have a difficult time not viewing every lover as the one that is supposed to last forever. Even on the first date, Capricorn signs are running scenarios through their heads about growing old together and watching the sunset on the front porch reminiscing about the good times. Love, at first sight, isn’t what Capricorns are about and it may even take a long time for her to come around and realize that she likes you. If you’re tired of waiting, test your love compatibility with a Capricorn first. They’re also oblivious to flirtation and Goat women sometimes require you to be direct and just ask them out. It’s important to just let it all out on the line and let Capricorns know how you feel, otherwise they may have no clue. Get prepared to see the wilder side of a Capricorn, especially in bed. She is known to be a complete beast when it comes to sex and even though she’s a boss in real life and enjoys being in control, in bed she prefers the opposite.
Capricorns are happy to be at home and prefer to stay around the kitchen table and control every part of the experience. When she entertains guests, she’s got to be in control of the temperature, lighting, music, and overall vibe to relax. Going out on the town is more of a chore and involves planning. She is also dedicated to her children and takes to raising them very seriously. There may also be a more fatherly-like air about her, and her type of maternal love revolves around following rules, showing respect, and providing protection.