The fashion world is gravitating towards astrology like no other time before. Almost all fashion publications have horoscope sections or have hopped on the opportunity to use the zodiac as a way to sell fashion items. Refinery29 took it a step further and launched a video series called Glamourscopes. A lot of magazines are also publishing photo shoots that are zodiac-themed. Some examples include The Cut, a New York magazine that runs a series of astrology GIFs. Morgan Rehbok’s Opening Ceremony “Astrology IRL” which has cosmos-inspired T-shirts and sweatshirts sold on the brand’s blog. Fashion and astrology have a few things in common too. Zodiac signs are based on the movement of celestial bodies and rely on seasons. Fashion is similar in that it’s cyclical and relies on the seasons of the year too. Both also try and predict the future, they both worship beauty and symbols, and they both refer to the past. Pucci had models go down the runway in Milan this season wearing astrologically inspired outfits such as short-shorts, tall boots, and gold signs of the zodiac covering a long velvet black cloak. The reason behind the deep interest in constellations in the fashion world can be as unclear as trying to stargaze on a cloudy night. Susan Miller has written horoscopes for Elle and Vogue Japan, and her daughter is downtown it-girl Chrissie Miller and designer of the Sophomore clothing line. Joe Zee, the Editor-in-Chief of Yahoo is also friends with Susan. She has deep roots within the fashion industry and is the industry’s favorite astrologer. gets over 6 million visits each month and is Susan Miller’s cult website. She claims that some of the most creative people are lovers of astrology because just like an artist, they tend to know what’s coming before the public does. Pisces and Libras tend to be particularly good at this and you’ll discover that many editors are Libras, and designers are Pisces. Also, the use of color and confidence comes from Leos, as they also have an excellent sense of what’s around the corner. Astrology gives hints to people that can detect things that happen in the universe that typically cannot be explained. It mirrors the subconscious and creative power can be a metaphor for psychic power. Even the word “consideration” means with the stars. To be with the heavens and to think deeply aids in producing creative work.