Your Wealth Horoscope for June 27th, 2024

Scorpio, with Ceres in Capricorn in your 3rd house of communication and habits square the North Node in Aries in your 6th house of work and daily routines, you’re inclined to be more assertive with maintaining your routines. Reinforcing your habits through consistent planning helps you to focus on bigger projects and to handle more responsibility. The square encourages you to find a balance between the need for independence and effective communication. Be bold and straightforward, but also consider how nurturing your connections can benefit your work and routine.



Scorpio, with the Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces in your 5th house of leisure and creative expression it can be difficult to get inspired to do new creative work however, this could be a fruitful time for revising and restructurin... Read your Scorpio general horoscope for today >>


Scorpio, Venus rules your 7th house of relationships and is in Cancer in your 9th house of beliefs and learning. With its trine to Saturn in Pisces in your 5th house of creative expression and dating, your relationships are colore... Read your Scorpio love horoscope for today >>

