Pisces Zodiac Sign: Meaning, Dates & Traits | Astrology Daily

Pisces Zodiac Sign

Our sun sign has a great influence on our life and personality. Discover myths, facts and traits about Pisces

Pisces Zodiac Sign
Pisces Pisces Zodiac Dates:
Feb 19 - Mar 20
Myth: The two fish represent the fish that Aphrodite and Eros transformed into to escape the monster Typhon.
  • element: Water
  • quality: Mutable
  • Ruling Planet: Jupiter and Neptune
  • day: Thursday
  • color: Sea green
  • stone: Moonstone
  • flower: Convolvulus
  • soulmates: Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn
professions:Film, theatre, caring professions, sailors

Pisces Meaning and Traits

Pisces is highly intuitive and vague and tends to act on instinct. As they’re so sensitive and impressionable, Pisces can be all things to all people. They tend to be followers rather than leaders and will vacillate if left to their own devices. Although they’re shy, that doesn’t mean they’re weak-willed and they’re more than capable of standing up for themselves if anyone takes advantage of them. Read pisces daily horoscope »


Pisces Love and Relationship

Full of compassion and empathy, Pisces will lay down their life for a friend if they think it will help. But they can be hard to pin down – their favorite word is “maybe”. Pisces yearns for understanding and is sensitive to criticism. They wouldn't hurt a fly and prefer to believe the best of everyone. If things get hard, they will withdraw into a dream world.

As they’re always looking for love, it isn’t difficult to attract a Pisces. They can be very tactile and love holding hands and cuddling. Because they’re so willing to please, Pisces can be frustrating. But they are also gentle and romantic and capable of creating many magic moments. Sometimes their judgment isn’t as good as it should be when it comes to love and they are ready to sacrifice themselves to someone who doesn’t deserve their affection. But on balance their loving nature draws love to them. Read pisces daily love horoscope »

Pisces Finance and Wealth

Pisces is better at dealing with money than it might appear on the surface. Because their life is often chaotic, they have a fear of what the future may hold and so will quietly stash money in a savings account for a future rainy day. However, if there’s any chance of getting someone else to pay the bills, Pisces will happily go for that option. They tend to be vague about the state of their finances and happily lend money to anyone who seems to need it.

When it comes to work, Pisces is happy to get on with things in the background. They can find it hard to decide what they want to do with their lives and may jump from one type of job to another. They tend to choose a job that appeals to them emotionally. Read pisces daily wealth horoscope »

Advice for Pisces

If you’re a Pisces, you need to beware of your tendency to be absent-minded and unreliable. People will soon get tired of you always being late. Going with the flow can be great, but you might need to sort out which flow you want to go with.


Pisces Keywords

compassionate adaptable versatile changeable imaginative sensitive perceptive intuitive empathic gullible soft-hearted accepting devoted indecisive lazy escapist deceptive artistic gentle trusting

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