Your Horoscope for February 2025

Virgo, this is a lovely month for you to get all of your affairs in order and work towards reaching your goals. There is a very powerful New Moon energy this month, which will support you in getting organized and systemized in your routines. This is also a great time for you to clean up your act and take better care of your health by eating healthier and getting more exercise. Just wait a few days before you commit to any major changes; you will be better off and more successful if you wait until Mercury is no longer changing. 

Next, there is newfound Moon energy that may bring new emotions to light, which may have you feeling a lot more introspective and reclusive for a few days. This is a really powerful time for you to take note of your subconscious thoughts and perhaps amp up your self-care routines, especially around your spirituality. A few days later, the Sun shines on you in a new way; this can be an especially potent time for you and your significant relationships. Perhaps you'll meet someone special or decide to make things official with the person you are dating. The stars have spoken. If you are looking for more insights about your day or near future - check your daily tarot reading >>



Virgo, with the Sun in Pisces in your 7th house trine Mars in Cancer in your 11th house, your heart is bathed in an ethereal light that unites compassionate action with the joy of collective connection. The luminous Sun i... Read your Virgo love horoscope for today >>


Virgo, with the Moon in Pisces in your 7th house square Jupiter in Gemini in your 10th house, the interplay of idealistic partnerships and practical strategy gently challenges your financial focus. The Moon in Pisces in your 7th invites yo... Read your Virgo wealth horoscope for today >>

This horoscope was written by Denise Moore
This horoscope was written by Denise Moore
